The Design Sprint can be compared to a recipe: Jake Knapp’s book gives you all the important steps, the essential ingredients, time indications for each exercise, etc. It gives the impression that it is an easy process. But as any good recipe it must be done by an experienced “cook” – an experienced Design Sprint facilitator – because the stakes are always high and the time of all the participants is extremely precious.

As a company, specialized in Design Sprint Methodology we bring an outside perspective, an authority, and an expertise

An outside perspective

An objective perspective is essential, especially when the stake of a Sprint is high and there are several currents of thoughts within the team.

An external team will dare to ask questions that are considered to be “dumb” or create tension and anger. These are the questions that unveil the real problems that need to be talked about and solved. The more “political” a Sprint challenge is, the more important it is to invite an outside Design Sprint facilitator.

An authority

As design sprint facilitators we are neutral, external and objective. Our role is to bring the team on the right path to reach the goal, control the time (using the famous Time Timer clock) and limit sterile debates. Is John, the senior VP, constantly speaking and preventing other team members from intervening? This will not happen during a Design Sprint facilitated by an experienced facilitator.

An Expertise

Facilitating a Sprint is a complicated task. With a 5-day workshop to moderate, a prototype to create, and user tests to host, there is no place for improvisation.

In the past few years, our team has conducted more than 150 weeks of Sprints on complex topics with major companies in Switzerland and Europe.

We constantly communicate with other experienced Design Sprint facilitators from all over the world in order to improve our processes. Finally, we keep a close contact with Jake Knapp, the creator of Google Ventures Design Sprint.