Accelerate innovation in the healthcare sector with Design Sprint

A strategic tool for leaders in the medical field

In the healthcare sector, where innovations can transform lives, Design Sprint is an essential tool for rapidly developing practical and innovative solutions, even in a regulated and change-resistant environment. This method allows healthcare professionals to turn their ideas into tangible solution prototypes and test them quickly, effectively meeting the urgent challenges of the healthcare and medtech worlds.

Why is Design Sprint vital for your healthcare innovation strategy?

Targeted development for medical solutions

Our sprints are specially designed to address the complex issues of the healthcare sector. They facilitate the strategic alignment of various stakeholders and prioritize essential functionalities, ensuring that each solution is perfectly adapted to the needs of patients and healthcare professionals while respecting the existing framework and budgets.

Interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare

We bring together your experts to collaborate effectively. This approach ensures the integration of all necessary perspectives to develop complete and effective solutions, meeting the high standards of the healthcare industry. Products and services that are adapted to current needs can only be designed by an interdisciplinary team working across silos. Our expert facilitators/designers will guide you, no matter the complexity of the subject.

Rapid validation and risk minimization

Design Sprint enables the acceleration of new healthcare product development while reducing technological, user experience, or legal risks. By testing prototypes in the early phases, we collect valuable feedback that allows us to adjust and improve the product, thus ensuring safe and effective solutions.

Design Sprint domaine de la santé - Hôpital Jules Gonin

Our specialized services for the healthcare sector

Design Sprint workshops in healthcare

These intensive sessions are designed to clearly identify health challenges, generate innovative solutions, prototype quickly, and test ideas with real users, often healthcare professionals or patients, to ensure that the final products meet strict requirements.

Development of prototypes for medical interfaces or business tools

We quickly create testable versions of your healthcare solutions, allowing early evaluation and adjustment based on feedback from clinical trials and medical advice.

User testing in a medical context

Organizing feedback sessions with healthcare professionals and patients helps refine products before their official launch, ensuring broad and effective adoption in clinical environments.

Design Sprint domaine de la santé - Hôpital Jules Gonin

Transform your approach to healthcare innovation

Engage in a rapid innovation process with Design Sprint and take a step ahead in developing healthcare solutions that not only meet current needs but also anticipate future challenges. Contact us to discover how we can accelerate your innovation in the healthcare field.

Get involved

You are the experts in your field. The key to a successful Design Sprint is to bring together a small, multidisciplinary team of 5-7 people. We require a minimum of three days’ effective presence (workshop part).

Your team is also invited to prototype and watch Live testing on Day 5.

Our services for key projects in Healthcare

  • Design Sprint Workshops focused on digitization: These intensive sessions are designed to identify and break down specific challenges of digital transformation, generate tailored solutions, and quickly test ideas to ensure their effectiveness and relevance.
  • Figma Prototype Design: Creating testable prototypes (usually with Figma) not only allows us to visualize the proposed solutions but also to validate their effectiveness in achieving your digitization goals.
  • User Testing: We organize feedback sessions with real users who reflect your target market to refine technologies before deployment, ensuring a smooth and effective transition to advanced digital solutions.
  • Strategic Analysis: Assessing market trends and customer needs to steer the sprints towards the most impactful solutions.

Take a step ahead in developing technological solutions that not only meet current needs but also anticipate future challenges. Contact us to discover how we can help us facilitate your digital transformation.

They sprint with us

Merci de nous avoir guidés pendant ce workshop, et d'avoir rendu ce travail d'alignement stratégique très ludique ! On va recommander la méthode autour de nous!
Elodie DAHAN | Co-CSO Engineering Microfluidic expert - HemostOD
I would like to thank you for you wonderful facilitation, contribution to the ideas and of course running the best design sprint I have ever witnessed. We are looking forward to working with you in the future hairy and audacious challenges.
Deniz Gmür | Head of Product Development
💙 Super souvenir Steph ! Un grand merci pour ton aide 🙏 et on a en effet fini par dev est commercialiser 100% de ce qui est sorti du sprint !When there is a will there is a way 💪
Clement Goehrs | MD - PhD, Synapse Medicine CEO
La méthodologie Design Sprint nous a permis d’aller à l’essentiel et, surtout, de confronter tout de suite nos idées avec les besoins de nos bénéficiaires. Grâce à l’encadrement pro et chaleureux de Stéphane, ce workshop a été rafraîchissant et nous a fait gagner du temps, de l’énergie et de l’argent ! Merci !
Muriel Faienza | Fondation Asile des aveugles