Design Sprint Expert Mentoring

5 days + Preparation

Level 3 - this is a pro mentorshipIt's time to start organizing your first Design Sprint.  Steph Cruchon, our expert facilitator will help you with all the details of organizing and facilitating your first workshop.

This follow-up focused on the organization of your first Design Sprint is entirely personalized. We prepare the workshop together. We give you access to useful documents and tools for the organization.

We stay in direct contact via WhatsApp throughout the preparation. The idea is to give you confidence and answer absolutely all your questions!

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  • Gaining confidence in facilitation
  • Moving from theory to practice
  • Adjusting to the company’s context
  • Composition of the team
  • Definition of the Sprint Challenge
  • Support at any time


  • Preparatory exchanges
  • Follow-up a few weeks before the Sprint
  • Co-facilitation of the Sprint
  • Debriefing
  • Support via WhatsApp


  • Trained in-house design sprint facilitator
  • Integrating Design Sprint as a recurring methodology of the company
  • Adjustments to the context or needs
  • Integration in the project workflow and HR organization of the company