Accelerate innovation in the industrial sector with Design Sprint

Tailored solutions for contemporary industrial challenges

Design Sprint offers a rapid, pragmatic, and proven method to tackle the complex challenges of the industrial sector. Our experience with renowned companies such as Firmenich, Neustark, Nestlé, L’Oréal, and Breguet demonstrates our ability to generate innovative solutions that promote digital transformation and business process improvement. We have worked on issues related to internal processes, employee or customer experience, and even the design of technological products in sectors like watchmaking and IoT.

Why is Design Sprint essential for the industrial sector?

Digital transformation and process optimization

Our Design Sprints facilitate the design of digital business tools and the improvement of processes to make industrial operations more efficient. These workshops allow for the rapid transformation of ideas into functional prototypes, thereby accelerating the adoption of new technologies and advanced practices.

Intersectoral collaboration and innovation in production

We bring together your experts from various industrial fields to collaborate on solutions that not only meet regulatory requirements but also support sustainable development goals. This approach allows us to leverage the best sectoral practices and the most advanced technology.

Customer experience and B2C marketing

For luxury brands, for example, we have conducted numerous Design Sprints focused on improving B2C customer experience, as well as with B2B partners. These sprints have helped to design higher quality new services, aligning offerings with consumer expectations.

Our specialized services for the industrial sector

Design Sprint for digital transformation and process optimization:
We offer design sprint workshops that help develop digital solutions and improve production and management processes.

Prototype development for the industry:

Our team guides participants in designing prototypes to test and validate innovations before their implementation.

User testing and field validation:

Prototypes are evaluated by target users to adjust solutions based on feedback, thus ensuring their effectiveness and market fit.

Transform your industrial sector with Design Sprint

Integrate Design Sprint into your innovation strategy to overcome industrial challenges and develop solutions that enhance both production and customer experience. Contact us to discover how we can help you make significant advances in your industrial projects.

Get involved

You are the experts in your field. The key to a successful Design Sprint is to bring together a small, multidisciplinary team of 5-7 people. We require a minimum of three days’ effective presence (workshop part).

Your team is also invited to prototype and watch Live testing on Day 5.

Our services for Energy sector

  • Design Sprint Workshops: Intensive sessions to define challenges, generate solutions, prototype, and test ideas with real users.
  • Prototype Development: Rapid creation of testable product versions to gather user feedback before actual development of the product or service.
  • User Testing: Organizing feedback sessions with real users to refine products before they are launched on the market.
  • Strategic Analysis: Assessing market trends and customer needs to steer the sprints towards the most impactful solutions.

They sprint with us

Excellente expérience avec le Design Sprint. Ce qu'ils "vendent", c'est simplement vrai. On a résolu une problématique en un temps record!
Thierry Dubugnon | Digital Marketing Manager chez Montres Breguet SA
Excellent methodology which puts your end users in mind all the time during Sprint. Enthusiastic facilitators from Design Sprint.
Durga Kante | R&D Product Development Specialist at Nestlé
Encore un très très grand merci à Stephane et Julien pour cette semaine riche, productive et dynamique. L’équipe est boostée à bloc avec de très belles perspectives d’innovations.
Antoine Troegeler | Marketing Director at Bolton Group
Super expérience la semaine passée avec Design Sprint. Une méthode éprouvée et vraiment différenciante qui nous a permis de gagner un temps fou.
Les animateurs ont été parfaits et on réussi l’exploit de cadrer une équipe de personnalités enthousiastes et très différentes.
Je recommande vivement les hommes et la méthode!
Matthieu Le Gendre | Responsable des projets digitaux
My first Design Sprint experience, great technic and great Team! Being able to see user tests in Live is so powerfull!!! Looking forward working with it again soon
Frank Pillonel | Senior Business Lead
First design sprint in the field of architecture with the teams of Coty Geneva.
It was amazing! We've learned so much, especially on the way we can work together across teams and create new, viable and specific ideas that we can test and bring to the market. One of the main insights that we've got is that we really have to include the people we create and sell products to.
Steven Goodman | Business Development Manager
On est dans un domaine où l'Afrique a innové, -les services financiers numériques-, et on se voit comme pionniers et c'est l'occasion encore d'innover pour apporter des produits encore plus performants à nos clients. Un grand merci à Stéph et Alexis!
Ramatoulaye Diallo Shagaya | Directrice générale Orange Money Senegal