The main risk of a new product or service creation is that it won't find its audience. That users may not understand or accept they must change their habits.Testing is the way to improve your concept significantly before you start coding. Those few hours can save you tons of money.

User tests can be performed either in 1:1 face-to-face or remotely using Skype, for example. We record each session, and, even if required, we can live stream.

The tests take about 20 minutes per participant. Unlike some scientific practices performed by specialists of user research ( Eyetracking, AB testing, user panels, etc.), our tests will be straightforward and pragmatic.

We will put our target group customers in front of the prototype, and ask them to perform a few simple tasks, without guiding them too much. We will carefully observe their verbal and emotional reactions, “pain points,” ergonomic problems. By asking open questions, we will allow customers to express themselves as much as possible and to bring their thoughts. It is often in this way that the most interesting insights appear.

We will also ask them about the purpose of the product or service to validate its business model.  As potential users, would they want to use this product? How much would they pay to use it? How could it be improved? etc

The tests are filmed, which will allow you to study in detail the reactions to your prototype.

A few minutes of testing with a neutral user will reveal most flaws or potential for improvement: remember, the prototype doesn’t have to be perfect, it should above all help you create the real product and avoid the pitfalls inherent to the creation of a digital service.


  • Confronting a product to its market
  • Quickly detect opportunities for improvement
  • Validate or prioritize functionalities
  • Obtain answers to your questions without having launched the product beforehand


  • 1:1 tests (face-to-face)
  • Remote testing (Skype, etc.)
  • Test Scenario
  • The tests are recorded and can be livestreamed.
  • Scorecard to fill in


  • Scorecard for product review
  • Detected Pain Points
  • Prioritized Features
  • Opportunities and new ideas

Case study: Discover how one of our design sprint workshops contributed to the creation of the new swiss neobank Yuh, a partnership between Swissquote and Postfinance.

Yuh, video case study

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