⚡️Every company faces complicated times, big problems or risky situations. Teams need to take important decisions and make alignment fast.

As facilitation specialists, we are here to support you in an unbiased and structured manner.Using an external Facilitator-Consultant allows you to avoid potentially explosive situations and smoothly manage difficult personalities and emotions within a group.

We are pioneers in Europe of Design Sprint, a methodology developed by Jake Knapp at Google Ventures. Design Sprint is a “greatest hit” of design thinking and user-centered design (UX Design). 

Design Sprint is currently used internally at Google and at some of the world’s leading companies such as Uber, Medium, Slack, Facebook, The New York Times, Twitter, Dropbox, Airbnb.

Our clients in Switzerland, France, and around the world come from a variety of industries challenging their services, digital and physical products: banks, insurance companies, healthcare institutions, and health tech start-ups, energy, government, and public authorities. 

Design Sprint - CEO, CTO, VP strategy

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A shorter design sprint?

No! A complete sprint design in 5 days always ends with the prototyping and testing of the solution. Strategic Alignment Workshop lasts two day. The activities are very close to the ones of the classical Design Sprint, but in more condensed way. The challenge of this workshop needs to be very precise.

The purpose of this workshop is to align the team about their goals, values and purposes.

Strategic alignment workshop inspired by Design Sprint



  • a Sprint Challenge, important and VERY well defined
  • a Team of 4-6 people
  • a decision-maker, the sponsor of the project
  • a pleasant place, adapted to collaborative work

Typical agenda

  • Monday: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
  • Tuesday: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm


  • Definition and categorization of problems and opportunities
  • Prioritization of pain-points
  • Solution concepts (Solution sketches) voted and prioritized anonymously
  • Decision, Vision and Next Steps


  • Allow everyone to express themselves in an objective manner
  • Sharing views in mutual respect
  • Aligning the team with the strategy
  • Finding answers to important questions
  • Make decisions in a collective, not rushed manner

Let's sprint together

We’re based in Lausanne Switzerland 🇨🇭, and we work internationally.

Ready to take action and accelerate your innovation?
Let’s organize your next Design Sprint together starting today!

Contact us