Banking and Finance: Innovate and accelerate key projects with design sprints

The banking and financial sectors are constantly evolving, especially disrupted in recent years by the emergence of neobanks and advancements in artificial intelligence. In response to these rapid changes, innovation and adaptation are crucial. At Design Sprint Ltd, we turn these challenges into opportunities through creative and effective solutions. Our expertise in Design Sprints leads to tangible, user-centered innovations, perfect for banks and financial institutions looking to stand out or explore new horizons.

Why choose Design Sprint Ltd for your sprints in the Banking and Financial Sector?

Rapid and effective innovation

With years of experience in the sector, including through key personnel like Steph Cruchon, former lead designer at Swissquote, we understand the urgency of innovating swiftly. Our design sprints are crafted to produce realistic prototypes in just a few days, involving your business experts from the start to ensure relevant and feasible solutions.

User-Centered approach

Our methodology places your clients at the heart of the development process. This ensures that the developed solutions meet your KPIs and market expectations while enhancing the user experience, a key factor in customer retention.

Risk Reduction

The rapid, agile, and iterative format of our Design Sprints minimizes risks associated with launching new products. By testing concepts early on, it is possible to avoid the high costs associated with large-scale development failures. The cost of a modification is 100 times lower in the design phase than after the product’s programming.

Get involved

You are the experts in your field. The key to a successful Design Sprint is to bring together a small, multidisciplinary team of 5-7 people. We require a minimum of three days’ effective presence (workshop part).

Your team is also invited to prototype and watch Live testing on Day 5.

Our services for the banking and financial sector include:

  • Design Sprint Workshops: Intensive sessions to define challenges, generate solutions, prototype, and test ideas with real users.
  • Prototype Development: Rapid creation of testable product versions to gather user feedback before actual development of the product or service.
  • User Testing: Organizing feedback sessions with real users to refine products before they are launched on the market.
  • Strategic Analysis: Assessing market trends and customer needs to steer the sprints towards the most impactful solutions.

They sprint with us

Plaisir partagé d’avoir travaillé avec vous, nous sommes tous très satisfait de l’expérience.
Vincent Luthy | Manager
Un grand merci Julien pour la formation et ton attention particulière à toutes nos questions et les éclaircissements que tu as su nous apporter – l’équipe est ravie et je suis rassuré des possibilités et techniques qui s’offrent à nous pour concevoir notre projet.
Aldo Fortis | Head of Brand Creation & Development Marketing
Very professional and nice people. if you want to experience a first Design Sprint session, contact them. They will help you to understand and put in place correctly the methodology. We have really enjoyed this first experience with them. To summarize: They know what they are doing.
Julien Thomas De Boer | Product Manager
In 2016, Steph runs a series of design sprints with Swiss Re, one of the world's main reinsurance company.
Swiss Re