⚡️ The first design sprint brought a ton of new knowledge and new qualitative data. Now your team has a good hunch of what will work or not.

If you need to push the project further fast, and capitalize on the Momentum you've created. Then an iteration design sprint is the solution.

The iteration sprint can be organized one or two weeks after the initial design sprint workshop.
It follows the structure of a classic Design Sprint, only way faster. The team exactly knows what to expect, and mutual trust is already built.
This time, we skip some exercises and go straight to the point. In a way, we already have a very good idea of what our solution should be because we’ve learned so much the week before.

We start the week with a retrospective of the first Sprint’s outcomes. What should we focus on? What didn’t work? What are the opportunities? When the team is aligned, we all sketch new concepts that will serve as a base for a better prototype.

Day 2 is devoted to prototyping. In one day, we usually get a leaner, more-focused prototype that is also more realistic. This is the perfect base for your future MVP. If feasibility is a concern, make sure you onboard engineers or tech specialists on this iteration.

On the third day, we test. Sometimes with the same customers, or with totally new testers. We will be able to validate our assumptions and tailor the perfect product, ready for execution.

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  • An important and well-defined Sprint Challenge
  • Having run a design sprint 1-2 weeks before
  • A team of 5-7 people
  • a decision-maker (the sponsor of the project)

Sample agenda

  • Wednesday: 9:30 – 16:30
  • Thursday: Designers 
  • Friday: 9:30 – 16:30


  • On day 2, we will have created a better, leaner and more accurate prototype based on what we know will work.
  • On day 3, we will present this prototype to future users or potential customers in order to get validation.


  • Reduced risk and uncertainty
  • An aligned team and a clear strategy
  • Data to take important, informed decisions
  • Dramatically improved speed of execution
  • Clarity to the innovation process
  • Engagement and momentum for a key project
  • First-hand learning experience in User Experience design

Why not make every design sprint 3 days?

The iteration design sprint is an amazing format, but is only suitable as a follow-up on a previous design sprint about the same topic.

With just 3 days, we can’t  explore new horizons or create totally new ideas, we go straight to the point and improve what already exists in order to build a more refined prototype and validate our assumptions.

Iteration Design Sprint

World-unique Design Sprint experience in eco-chalets on top of the Swiss Alps

Live the experience !

World-unique Design Sprint experience in eco-chalets on top of the Swiss Alps

Live the experience !


Let's sprint together

We’re based in Lausanne Switzerland 🇨🇭, and we work internationally.

Ready to take action and accelerate your innovation?
Let’s organize your next Design Sprint together starting today!

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