Merci à Steph Cruchon de Design Sprint pour ces 2 jours de Masterclass chez Pulse, incubateur HES. Ton enthousiasme et ta générosité font toute la différence dans cet exercice de travail collectif. C'est une belle expérience que je vais bientôt mettre à l'épreuve.
Cette formation m'a permis de compléter mes compétences pour résoudre des problèmes complexes. L'expertise et la passion de Steph ont vraiment fait de cette masterclass un moment top.
La méthode la plus aboutie à ce jour pour générer de l'innovation ou venir à bout des problèmes insolubles et le tout, sublimer par Stéph, qui est un orateur hors pair, extrêmement professionnel et inspirant. Il incarne le design sprint, c'est un véritable passionné et j'ai adoré la masterclass faite avec lui. Au plaisir.
We worked with Stéph from Design Sprint Ltd for a number of days during a design sprint workshop. It was an amazing experience. Stéph is a very skilled and experienced facilitator, who guided us through the process with clarity, enthusiasm, and creativity. He also shared with us many tips and tricks on how to run design sprints effectively and efficiently. I highly recommend Stéph and Design Sprint Ltd to anyone who wants to innovate and solve complex problems with the design sprint method.
I had the opportunity to follow the Masterclass in Design Sprint of Steph Cruchon. For the first time, I found a way to merge theory to practicality. I really recommend this Masterclass.
Superbe expérience ! Merci Steph pour ces deux jours de Masterclass, je repars avec un bon baguage (à compléter par de la pratique), mais surtout avec une motivation sans faille ! Merci !
Quelle belle expérience ! J’ai fait 2 sprints avec Steph et Julien cette année et cela nous a permis de gagner un temps précieux dans nos réflexions stratégiques. Un grand merci 🙏🏼 et à bientôt!
Merci à l'équipe de Design Sprint ! Nous avons eu un workshop d'alignement stratégique efficace et dans la bonne humeur ! Le résultat est super: un slide deck professionnel qui résume l'essence du message que l'on cherche à transmettre.
Excellente prestation de Stephane et de son équipe. J'ai découvert ce processus, qui va nous faire gagner du temps et de l'efficacité pour la satisfaction client.
Aucun doute, Steph maîtrise son sujet grâce à sa solide expérience et son enthousiasme est communicatif! Dans cette formation, il distille les bons conseils et parvient à mettre en confiance chacun des participants. C’est clair, c’est efficace, c’est méthodique. Vraiment de bons outils pour que la mise en pratique se fasse dans les meilleures conditions possibles. Bravo pour cette belle expérience et longue vie à l’équipe DS!
J'ai eu l'occasion de participer à un sprint avec Steph, ça été une magnifique expérience. Surtout qu'on puisse aboutir à un prototype et le tester sur des vrais potentiels clients.
I can't recommend Steph highly enough! He was an excellent facilitator for my team's design sprint. The process helped us better understand our users' needs and unlock a greater level of creativity. We are based in San Francisco, and even working 'off hours' and facilitating virtually, Steph's energy was contagious.
Really great class for providing insights into Design Sprints especially conducting them remotely. For me it was well worth the investment of time and money.
I just had a great moment with Steph and Julien during this sprint design. Good vibes, good music and energy to produce a great job! Many advices and creativity to make our challenges be real, try and see their work, these designers are just fantastic!!! :) Hope to see you again around a new topic and new ideas. Ciao! Aurélie from Rogé :)
We were looking for help running a 5 day Design Sprint, and because of the pandemic we had the added challenge of doing it remotely.
Stéph and the team expertly guided us through the entire process, and really turned the fact it was remote from a potential negative to an amazing positive.
By the end of it, we’d made incredible progress, accelerated months of product design and gained a tonne of new insight on our own customers. We also felt like we’d gained a new honorary member of the team, and a friend in the process.
Would highly recommend to anyone who’s looking for help running a remote Design Sprint, and need a friendly, experienced and high energy team to support them.
Amazing experience delivered fully remotely. There is no doubt the methodology works! The team is full of enthusiasm to start working on some great ideas. :) Big thanks to Steph for all his hard work - everything run very smoothly and professionally. Learnt a lot along the way too. Already can’t wait for the next Design Sprint, would definitely recommend their service to everyone!
Steph did a great job guiding us through this week. Highly valuable and very worthwhile! If you want to make fast progress with a specific project, do a Design Sprint with an expert such as Steph.
Steph and his team facilitated an excellent Remote Design Sprint Masterclass! Not only was the content great, but the support throughout the event and afterwards were top notch! Thanks to all!
Steph et son équipe ont organisé une Masterclass sur le Remote Design Sprint qui était excellente. Le support et le contenu pendant la masterclass était au top et a continué au delà de ces 4 demis-journées. Merci à tous!
Super expérience la semaine passée avec Design Sprint. Une méthode éprouvée et vraiment différenciante qui nous a permis de gagner un temps fou. Les animateurs ont été parfaits et on réussi l'exploit de cadrer une équipe de personnalités enthousiastes et très différentes. Je recommande vivement les hommes et la méthode !
My first Design Sprint experience, great technic and great Team!!! Being able to see user tests in Live is so powerfull!!! Looking forward working with it again soon.....
Amazing opportunity to spend a week working with two start ups! Incredible experience both personally and professionally. Thank you to everyone who made it possible!
Very professional and nice people. if you want to experience a first Design Sprint session, contact them. They will help you to understand and put in place correctly the methodology. We have really enjoyed this first experience with them.
Very Good designer btw. Really enjoy the quality of the prototype.
Feel your company is stuck in a rut and you just can’t find that flow of design concepts anymore. I strongly recommend a design sprint with Stéphane Cruchon. It's straight to the point and brings out the best of your ideas.