Accelerate innovation in the building sector with Design Sprint

Innovative solutions to optimize costly construction projects

Design Sprint is a powerful tool for the building sector, where projects always represent multi-million dollar investments. By integrating Design Sprint at the start of projects, our clients maximize their return on investment by identifying the best solutions before committing significant resources.

Why is Design Sprint important for the building sector?

Risk minimization and ROI maximization

Design Sprint allows testing hypotheses and validating concepts from the early phases of the project. This approach significantly reduces the risk of costly errors and optimizes investments by ensuring that only the most promising and effective solutions are implemented.

Quick adaptation to complex challenges

Construction projects can be extremely complex, involving many stakeholders and requiring a high level of precision. Design Sprint facilitates effective planning and rapid decision-making through rapid prototyping, which is crucial for meeting deadlines and budgets.

Interdisciplinary collaboration

Design Sprints can potentially bring together architects, engineers, project managers, and end-users in a co-creation process. This interdisciplinary collaboration during the Design Sprint workshops ensures that all perspectives are considered, thus improving the quality and viability of construction projects.

Our specialized services for the building sector

Design Sprint workshops for architecture, real estate, or construction

We offer Design Sprint workshops tailored to the building sector, to meet the unique needs of each project, whether it involves new constructions or renovations.

Rapid prototype development

Our approach includes the rapid prototyping of solutions, allowing project teams to visualize concepts before execution, which contributes to better decision-making and early adjustments.

Concept validation and usability testing

Before proceeding with costly developments, we test concepts with future clients or stakeholders. This early validation is essential to ensure that the final project will truly meet the users’ needs and sustainability goals.

Transform your approach to construction projects with Design Sprint

Adopt Design Sprint to develop building projects that not only meet deadlines and budgets but are also optimized for long-term success. Contact us to discover how we can help you make significant advances in your real estate or construction projects.

Get involved

You are the experts in your field. The key to a successful Design Sprint is to bring together a small, multidisciplinary team of 5-7 people. We require a minimum of three days’ effective presence (workshop part).

Your team is also invited to prototype and watch Live testing on Day 5.

Our services for Construction Industry

  • Design Sprint Workshops: Intensive sessions to define challenges, generate solutions, prototype, and test ideas with real users.
  • Prototype Development: Rapid creation of testable product versions to gather user feedback before actual development of the product or service.
  • User Testing: Organizing feedback sessions with real users to refine products before they are launched on the market.
  • Strategic Analysis: Assessing market trends and customer needs to steer the sprints towards the most impactful solutions.

They sprint with us

Design sprint at Whitepod Hotel in the swiss Alps with the teams of and Phida
Un concept puissant, décor magique Whitepod Eco-Luxury Hotel, une équipe créative PHIDA Construction, un médiateur à la pointe de la technologie Stéph Cruchon, un timer, 5 jours de design sprint et les idées fusent. La magie opère et bientôt un nouveau concept de toiture innovant et écologique sera né!
Fabiana Falce | Responsable Marketing & Communication