⚡️We help you move your business forward, innovate, and achieve tangible results in 5 days. It’s a promise!

We compress months of work into a few days of effective, pleasant, and creative collaboration. We align your teams and deliver results quickly, even on complex issues.

We are pioneers in Europe of Google Ventures Design Sprint, a methodology developed by Jake Knapp at GV. Design Sprint is a “greatest hit” of design thinking and user-centered design (UX Design). 

Design Sprints are currently being used at some of the world’s leading companies such as Google, Uber, Medium, Slack, Facebook, The New York Times, Twitter, Dropbox, and Airbnb.

Our clients come from Switzerland, France, and the whole world. Each of them challenge and rethink the products or services of various industries including finance, insurance, healthcare, health tech, energy, government, and public administration.

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The Design Sprint Process

The idea is, in fact, very simple. A small team clears its calendar for a week and dedicates itself to following the process, rapidly progressing from challenges to tested solutions.

Your team is actively involved in designing the concept for the first three days of the Sprint.

On day 4, our top-notch designers, along with some members of your team, will create a realistic prototype.

Real customers or stakeholders will then test that very prototype on day 5. We will collect and analyze the user feedback together to assess the potential of your concept. After the Sprint, we will help you take the next steps to move the project forward.

The Design Sprint Process


  • An important and well-defined Sprint Challenge
  • A team of 5-7 people
  • a decision-maker (the sponsor of the project)
  • a dedicated physical space adapted for creativity

Sample agenda

  • Monday: 9:30 – 16:30
  • Tuesday: 9:30 – 16:30
  • Wednesday: 9:30 – 16:30
  • Thursday: 9:30 – 17:30 (reduced team)
  • Friday: 9:30 – 16:30


  • On day 4, we will have created a high-fidelity prototype allowing us to test the concepts imagined during the previous days.
  • On day 5, we will present this prototype to future users or potential customers. The interviews and user reactions are filmed, and the lessons are captured using a scorecard.


  • Reduced risk and uncertainty
  • An aligned team and a clear strategy
  • Data to take important, informed decisions
  • Dramatically improved speed of execution
  • Clarity to the innovation process
  • Engagement and momentum for a key project
  • First-hand learning experience in User Experience design

Get involved

You are the experts in your field. The key to a successful Design Sprint is to bring together a small, multidisciplinary team of 5-7 people. We require a minimum of three days’ effective presence (workshop part).

Your team is also invited to prototype and watch Live testing on Day 5.

Case study: Discover how one of our design sprint workshops contributed to the creation of the new swiss neobank Yuh, a partnership between Swissquote and Postfinance.

Yuh, video case study

World-unique Design Sprint experience in eco-chalets on top of the Swiss Alps

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World-unique Design Sprint experience in eco-chalets on top of the Swiss Alps

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Let's sprint together

We’re based in Lausanne Switzerland 🇨🇭, and we work internationally.

Ready to take action and accelerate your innovation?
Let’s organize your next Design Sprint together starting today!

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